As for me...

The "gay" world is continually striving to achieve a balance between itself and the heterosexual world. This is an important aim, and the desire, I think, is basic in all of us. None of us like to feel that we are outcasts or that we are rejected by the society in which we live. And if the facts are examined closely, we find that the cause is not dying, but rather is moving forward and before too long that balance will be achieved.

What many of us fail to take into consideration is that before we can expect to fit into the space which someday will be ours in society, we must work on our group as a whole, and bring about a more complete union in ourselves.

Most of us homosexual males have the tendency to push the feminine side of our society into a dark corner of our mind and ignore it. We concentrate too much upon ourselves and our male problems and tend to forget that the women have the exact same fight that we ourselves have. We men need support. . . and so do the women.

I'm in the Military Service and my life is nearly the same as any other homosexual's, except that I have to be more careful and I live a tighter, more restrained life than do civilians.

Many times in my search for companionship I become depressed and begin to look upon the world as a dark pit in which there is no help, no salvation. I, like many other homosexuals in the service, find wholesome, comforting companionship in the company of the Lesbians who are also in the service. One in particular, a Wave, is my pet. We understand each other completely and actually seek each other's company. To the rest of the world it appears that we're "normal" and very much in love. In a sense we are in love. Just being together brings each of us onto a more level sense of values and helps to brighten our outlook on life and the world. There is most definitely an attraction even though it is not a physical one.

During the hours after she and I have been together, I think seriously about the relationship which exists between us and how we both feel stronger and more proud of what we are. It helps us to stand a little taller and look the rest of the world square in the eyes and smile.

From the other Lesbians that I've been acquainted with, I've found that they all feel about the same way.

It seems strange until the problem is studied for awhile that in the homosexual world there is even greater need for an understanding relationship between the men and the women than there is in the heterosexual aspect of this society. And this understanding is so easy to achieve that it's almost ridiculous.

In most places of homosexual activity and life, there are both men and women. Become acquainted with the gals! You'll find that they can add a lot to a life that frequently becomes tedious and exasperating. And believe me, you'll find that the old expression: "It needs a woman's touch" is more fact than fiction.


L'K.G., Chicago, Ill.